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Therapy Packages

Choose from the packages below. All packages are for 3 consecutive months. 



Best Value; Most Comprehensive

  • one on one therapy sessions

  • Three 45-minute phone or video consultations

  • Unlimited access to your OT via text/voice messaging (within 24 hours or sooner)

  • Parent Portal: Lifetime access to resources, customized interactive online platform

  • Daily and weekly updates & home program guidance

  • Buy This Plan


    Coastal Calm

    Ideal combination of sessions + consistent family guidance for optimal success.

  • one on one Therapy Sessions

  • Two 45-minute phone or video consultations

  • 48 hour response to emails/texts

  • Parent Portal: Lifetime access to resources, customized interactive online platform

  • Weekly updates & home program guidance 

  • Buy This Plan



    For independent families familiar with their child's specific needs
    & maintenance plans

    • one on one therapy sessions

    • Two 30-minute phone or video consultations

    • 72 hour response to emails/texts

    • Basic Online Portal with generalized resources

    Buy This Plan

    Therapy Packages

    BREEZE: The most comprehensive and tailored support for maximized improvements as soon as possible. With this package you immerse your family in a transformational program to get undeniable improvement for your child. You won’t need to figure it out yourself – together we tackle your concerns big and small and get to work across multiple settings to help your child be more successful in everyday life.

    STANDARD :  Our most frequently recommended package because it offers the ideal combination of sessions + ongoing, interactive family guidance.

    BASIC :  This package focuses on sessions with limited touch-points for communication between sessions. This package works best for families who are pretty independent with team communication and home implementation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What if I need to cancel a session?

    Life happens sometimes! And that's why this package structure ensures that your family receives the most comprehensive support, no matter what happens. In the event of cancellations, sessions are rescheduled to pre-determined make-up time slots, or your family is provided with a menu of services to ensure continued progress and full value is always rendered. 

    Do you take insurance?

    The effectiveness of our treatment model relies on the therapeutic value of longer sessions (greater than the 30-60 minutes typically allowed by insurance), a group model (usually not reimbursed by health insurance), and our outdoors-in-nature setting (also not recognized by our current health insurance model in the U.S.).

    In order to provide this high-caliber of care for our families, we do not bill insurance for our services and are not in-network with any health insurance. This allows us freedom to practice in optimal ways to serve your family, rather than being tied to what insurance plans would allow us to do.

    As a courtesy to families who have health care plans with out-of-network benefits, we will provide official paid-in-full invoices (a “superbill”) in December and June for those who request them. Families can submit the superbill to their insurance plan for any reimbursement for services allowable under their plan

    Explain in depth the question. Make sure that the explanation clearly answers the objections that visitor has on their mind. The frequently asked questions section is a great way to clear up any objections that the buyer might have and push then a step ahead to make that purchase.

    Do you do group therapy?

    Short answer: YES! Often children thrive by being together with another peer, or in a larger group in many ways including:

    • allowing a space for peer modeling
    • learning to engage in appropriate peer and social relationships
    • use of healthy competition with peers often increases motivation to practice difficult skills
    • children teaching newly learned concepts to a peer helps to drill that knowledge into their rote memory and daily practice, and helps to generalize. 

    Groups will be recommended and used based on the discretion of the therapist 

    What is Parent Coaching model?

    The parent / caregiver coaching model means that high value is placed on empowering parents to understand what is going on with their child, where their child should be developmentally, and specifically what do to help their child get there! It is in that last step that parents are taught not only what strategies can be most helpful to use, but the therapist develops an individualized plan that fits into the everyday functional life of the family.  Other caregivers are included because the more adults in your child's "village" who know the plan, the better the outcome. Other adults can include but not limited to: grandparents, aunts/uncles, teachers, coaches, etc.

    Your experience with your child + my OT hat should always = a strong team with positive results, where you feel completely empowered to support your child in specific ways to help his or her development! This may even mean that some of our time spent together is just you and I - rest assured that this is just as important as one on one time with your child. After all, you as the parent know your child best!

    This approach is unique as opposed to only treating the child one on one, with limited time for parent / caregiver education and involvement. 

    Explain in depth the question. Make sure that the explanation clearly answers the objections that visitor has on their mind. The frequently asked questions section is a great way to clear up any objections that the buyer might have and push then a step ahead to make that purchase.

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